讀書+實習 1+1課程
而過去高成本的移民費用令許多有興趣移民的朋卻步,尤其是海外升學的學費方面,更令人頭痛。此計劃中的院校,具認可質素,乃加拿大知名院校,但學費相對實惠,而多個課程都符合加拿大救生艇 Stream A 要求, “性價比”無庸置疑!據我們的經驗,有部份選擇此學院的朋友們,於課餘時間,利用讀書簽證所容許的,每星期工作20小時的規定兼職工作,大概一年已賺回學費支出。
學費最平之選 約HK$50,000起
完成課程便可申請PR 永久居留,一人申請,全家受惠,為下一代提供最佳保障!
ILAC International College
Founded by English-language education pioneers Jonathan Kolber & Ilan Cohen, ILAC International College is a leading Private Career College that offers career-focused programs in Business, Sales, Marketing and Customer Service. Our boutique campuses are located in the heart of Toronto and Vancouver. Students have the opportunity to gain Canadian work experience while enrolled in one of our co-op programs. They will practice the knowledge learned in class, develop professional contacts within the industry and enhance their resume while studying. Our co-op specialists support each student’s job search, connect them with employers, and stay engaged throughout their co-op work placement. We offer a life-changing experience that will give students the skills they need to succeed and lead in any profession.
The Instructors at ILAC International College are leading industry professionals with extensive knowledge and expertise in their field. They bring to the classroom a passionate, hands-on approach to learning through practical application of the material. Through an expert understanding of the local workplace, our Instructors work to demonstrate how to be successful working in Canada.
3 Monkeys 學費優惠計劃
3 Monkeys 為超過100所院校的官方合作伙伴,提供最優惠的香港人專屬學費計劃。