
2年際課程 首年可留港




時間靈活之選 課程第一年可留港工作。

  • 免考英文公開試,只需簡單完成網上英文評估!
  • 第一年可選擇留港遙距上課,並繼續於香港工作,省卻外地生活及租金費用

  • 第二年為有薪實習課程,課餘時間亦可繼續工作,總收入可比全職,邊讀書邊儲錢!
  • 最快兩星期出學院取錄信!

  • 最快3個月內就可以用學簽身份起程去加拿大讀書!

  • 多種課程選擇,包括眾多加拿大熱門職位的相關學科,工作前景及薪酬俱佳
  • 完成課程便可申請PR 永久居留,一人申請,全家受惠,為下一代提供最佳保障!
  • 無論係應屆畢業生,定係想中年人士,都歡迎申請!

Create Career College

Create Career College (DLI: O19275297052)
Create Career College (CCC College) is a private local career college located in Burnaby, BC. As a Designated Learning Institution (DLI), CCC College welcomes admissions from international students and local students.

The mission of Create Career College is to provide intensive accredited training to everyone regardless of their age and background so they could thrive in the business world today.

As your first step toward career success, CCC College offers professional face-to-face and online diploma courses designed for real business settings. With our easily-accessible courses, local and international students are able to enjoy quality education wherever they are.

CCC College focuses on preparing our students for career success. After rigorous lectures, our dedicated student advisors help offer practicum placement opportunities based on the professions of each student. CCC College’s 100% practicum rate has proven successful employment of our students through Co-op Programs.

3 Monkeys 學費優惠計劃

3 Monkeys 為超過100所院校的官方合作伙伴,提供最優惠的香港人專屬學費計劃。

另外3 Monkeys 亦提供獨家限時學費減免,詳情請聯絡我們的專業顧問。




(852) 5443-1311